Strengthening your Pelvic Floor
Have you noticed that as you're getting older, you need to go to the bathroom more frequently? Leaving the house can become a challenge, and you might find yourself needing to urinate just before you head out.
These symptoms are often attributed to aging and are described as normal, but what if I told you that they aren’t normal and that you can actually do something about it? A weak pelvic floor can occur for a number of reasons.
It may be due to multiple pregnancies or complications during childbirth. It can also be related to vaginal trauma following delivery. However, for many women—regardless of whether you've had children—the pelvic floor becomes weaker over time due to a reduction in estrogen. This issue becomes more prominent as we approach menopause and perimenopause.
Some symptoms you might notice include leaking urine when you cough, sneeze, or laugh. You may also experience waking up at night to urinate or feeling the urge to go right after getting into bed.
Another sign of a weak pelvic floor is struggling to hold your urine when you feel the urge to go. All of these symptoms indicate that the pelvic floor is weakening, which can lead to an overactive bladder. You are not alone in experiencing these issues.
At the Modern Doctor, we aim to treat you holistically for your symptoms. For many women, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is an option that can help reduce symptoms. However, our primary goal is to strengthen the pelvic floor itself to better support you, reduce symptoms, and improve your quality of life.
This is where V-Tone comes in. V-Tone is an applicator device created by Inmode, an aesthetic company that targets the pelvic floor muscle with electrical muscle stimulation. The applicator is comfortable and is inserted into the vagina. You are in control of the intensity of the treatments, allowing you to customise your experience based on your comfort level.
Symptoms can improve after the first treatment. Each treatment is equivalent of 10 minutes of Kegel exercises every day for three years. Our pelvic floor is a muscle- so if we don’t use it, we lose it!
My recommendation would be to have weekly treatments over six weeks, and then after that, maintenance sessions. However, the number of treatments will vary between individuals. We’ve seen results from as little as one session! So, if you can maintain doing your pelvic floor exercises on your own, then that will of course support and build on that muscle strength.
VTone is a highly innovative treatment. It is making waves in the healthcare industry. Women are coming back and saying that this treatment has changed their life and the quality of their life. So, I would urge you to book in a consultation, have a treatment, and see for yourself how much it can improve your intimate vaginal and bladder health.
Dr Vindhani x