Which of the five Chinese elements body types are you?

Which of the five Chinese elements body types are you? Take the quiz and find out!

In the four questions that follow, don’t worry if none of the options is exactly right, just tick the one that fits you the best. Once you’ve finished the quiz, total up your ticks against the answers (A, B, C, D or E) to refer to later.

1. Which of these is the best description of your body?

A. I have a tall, lean body, broad shoulders and a straight back. My face is long and my skin has olive tones

B. I have broad shoulders, wide teeth and a slightly pointed head. My hair is curly or thinning, and my complexion tends to have reddish tones

C. I have a solid frame and well-built muscles, especially in my back and legs. My face is round with a wide jaw. My skin has yellowish tones

D. My head, shoulders and upper back are slight and my tummy is flat. My face has a squarish shape, and my complexion is pale – but my voice is strong!

E. I have narrow shoulders and a long spine, but my tummy tends to be large. My face is round, with broad cheeks, and my complexion has dark tones

2. Which of these is the best description of your personality?

A. I’m confident, ambitious, passionate and decisive. I’m prone to anger, resentment and frustration though, and sometimes find it difficult to co-operate or share with others

B. I’m optimistic, communicative and charismatic. I enjoy connecting with others, but sometimes have difficulty with boundaries or feelings of isolation

C. I’m very social and am a peacemaker, so often find myself in negotiating roles. I’m also prone to worrying or overthinking things

D. I’m disciplined, discerning and methodical – so I don’t tend to be very spontaneous! I can become unsettled when things are disordered, and am prone to mild feelings of sadness

E. I pride myself on always being honest, objective and sensible. However, I also tend to be introspective and fearful

3. How do you respond to different types of weather?

A.I’m not at my best when it’s windy

B. I’m not at my best when it’s hot

C. I’m not at my best when it’s humid or damp

D. I’m not at my best when it’s dry

E. I’m not at my best in the cold

4. When you’re out of balance, which group of symptoms are you most likely to experience?

A. Getting stressed easily
Tightness in the neck and shoulders
Headaches or migraines
Grinding or clenching your teeth
PMS with period pain, irritability and a short temper
Waking up between 1 and 3 am

B. Mild anxiety symptoms
Finding it difficult to find joy in your life
Sleeping difficulties and/or vivid dreams
Poor circulation
Bouts of spontaneous sweating

C. Digestive problems (e.g. excessive burping or a poor appetite)
Cravings for sweet foods (including as a symptom of PMS)
A tendency to gain weight
Fatigue, especially around 3pm
Feeling mentally foggy (especially after waking up)
Poor muscle tone or strength

D. Easily catching coughs and colds
Mild shortness of breath
Sinus congestion
Skin problems (like dryness, or dry conditions like mild eczema symptoms)
Feelings of grief and sadness

E. Mild aches and pains of the joints (especially the lower back, knees or ankles)
Fluid retention
Mild memory problems
Mild hearing difficulties
Low libido
Menopausal symptoms
Cravings for salty foods

Review your answers and determine whether your most common answer was A, B, C, D or E.

Dr. Munshi


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